and rewriting
reliable & sustainable
and offering basic

Vulnerable youth reached out daily.
- Let's build a better world together
Don Bosco Development Outreach Network.
The Don Bosco Development and Outreach Network (DBDON) is an NGO operating under the auspices of the Salesians of Don Bosco (SDB), who are registered trustees in Kenya.
Salesians of Don Bosco are a religious order within the Catholic church, spread out across 133 countries, implementing the vision of their founder, Don Bosco, ministering to enhance the lives of the most vulnerable youth.
DBDON is committed to the advancement of educative pastoral development in Kenya and managing donor-funded projects in alignment with the Salesian charism and the educative pastoral objectives of the SDB.
DBDON develops project proposals to seek funding from various national and international donors to assist the 12 Don Bosco institutions and other agents in Kenya to reach out to over 15,000 children, youth, and adults in the marginalised areas.

Maine Johnson
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- Let's empower the vulnerable together.
Our priority areas.
Catalyzing positive change through education and community development among vulnerable populations, especially the youth.
What we do

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Over the years, we have built a solid reputation for reliability, integrity and effectiveness helping us to earn the trust of our stakeholders and communities.
- Let's make the world better
Our partners.
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- we love what we do.
Volunteer to reach over 15,000 children, youth & adults in the marginalized areas.
DBDON develops project proposals to seek funding from various national and international donors to assist the 12 Don Bosco institutions and other agents in Kenya.
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