ATC and DBDON partnership getting sealed
Following several meetings, both online and in-person, between American Tower
Cooperation Kenya Ltd (ATC) and Don Bosco Development and Outreach Network
(DBDON), an MoU has been signed to establish a series of Digital Communities in Kenya in
the Don Bosco institutions, focusing on the TVET centres.
Founded in 1995, American Tower Corporation, one of the largest global Real Estate
Investment Trusts (REITs), is a leading independent owner, operator and developer of
wireless and broadcast communications real estate. Their Digital Communities program
leverages the power of partnerships to advance ATCs commitment to bridge the digital
On 15 th January 2025, the ATC team led by Polycarp Odhiambo and Jacqueline Chomba
together with others, and the DBDON team led by Rev. Dr Sahaya G. Selvam and Michael N.
Njeru made site-visits to Don Bosco Embu and Don Bosco Makuyu to begin to operationalise
the MoU.
According to the MoU, Don Bosco Kenya makes available physical space with an existing
computer programme in which ATC will set up a computer centre with some laptops together
with internet connectivity in such a way that the beneficiaries, especially in the rural areas,
can access information online more efficiently and benefit from the digital training offered by
the Don Bosco centres.
ATC is also exploring possibilities of collaboration with Don Bosco institutions in other
countries in Africa. DBDON will become one of their implementation-partners